Confessions of Logophilia

I am … in love.
IN LOVE! … with the term ‘Cognitive Dissonance.’
It looks imposing … does it not?
Admit it … just looking at it … it commands your respect and attention.
You want to know … more.

I love the way it sounds AND the way it looks … on paper, digitally … in a dimly lit space - reading.
Being a logophile and perhaps somewhat of a geek (somewhat! you say!)
I love … words.
I love the way they are married and integrated from the soil of thought into sentences, stories, pOetry, the gamut.

A confession … I … hoard … words.
If I see a beautifully constructed thought in a sentence … I capture it. I bring it close to me. I relish it. I write it down.
I place it in my menagerie of collected words … usually a note I can no longer find … on my computer or … a piece of paper … or written where I think I know I will see it or find it again (never to be found or seen again).
Yet, and so, I have experienced its climatic pleasure … and I am enriched.

Cognitive Dissonance … used to scare me with its implied
BIGNESS of meaning …
it seemed … incomprehensible (like that word)
It is Falstaffian and salient for a kind of … wackiness.
it rests well with me …
its time has come
enlightenment …
I am that
that is me
Cognitive Dissonant … thought … word … deed

I think I will name my new pet (if I get one) Cognitive Dissonance. Yeah!
I would to introduce you to … ‘Cognitive Dissonance.’
He reminds me of my second husband (divorced).
Yes! Yes! I know it is an unusual name but … very fitting …


Now read this

“Un tigre ne proclâme pas sa tigritude, il saute sur sa proie” (A tiger doesn’t proclaim its tigerness; it jumps on its prey). –Wole Soyinka

I am Adrienne Zurub a born citizen of the United States. I am the mother of a biracial (Black & Palestinian) eighteen year old young man, presently in university. There is no vocabulary to express the joy and overarching fear I live... Continue →