Time did … what time does  

when my mind wants a comfortable chair … it goes to you …
U R … my muse

He rises
He rises …
with determination …
his lanky body
escapes …

the bed

In habitual rhythm …
he steps to the kitchen …
crashes the scooper
twice …
into the grounds of coffee …

He then showers …
the aberrations of night … away

The first coffee of the day is …
always … black … strong …
mellowed -
unlike … his evolving mood.

In these hours …
before work
he acknowledges his demons
to start fresh his new day.

His thoughts …
focus … in necessary simplicity
on tasks … and completion … at first.

Residual survival … girdles his life.
“Clarity by subtraction.”

then …
touched with roughen fingers … in unconditional LOVE/nurturance/attention

but …
not? …
when my mind wanted a comfortable chair … it went to you … U WERE … my … muse

Time did … what time does … lessened your nonexistent hand on my emotional animus.
Whew! ©


Now read this

Once upon a time …

Once upon a time … There was you and I … in distant … non-distant spaces. We’d gaze wistfully at the same beckoning moon … and serene curls of water … a cri de coeur to open sky; desiring the nourishment of … another. Quiet … yet LOUDLY,... Continue →