The Mexican

(Latino/Hispanic men like me …
just saying)

Wait-for-it …

Sitting at the shuttle stop

His fly is open
that does not offend me …
nothing emerges out of the darkness

His face … is that smooth Mayan brown, resting on elevated cheekbones,
black hair prominent,
the grey - reticent …
face - possessed … the “5 o'clock”
a cap placed backwards
not for cool
but …
necessity …
to see what’s … ahead

He beckons me towards him …
with long thickened fingers
i come … closer

He only speaks Spanish
i - English
Our cadenced movements … translate
He wants … a connection
a validation of …
his now ‘transient’ human-ness
i … c … u

He reaches slowly …
for me
eyes … pleading …
and …
with bequeathed softness …
a hopeful hand
weathered fingers …
He touches my face …
(he ‘knows’ it is okay)
in the purest admiration

His finger regards …
my topography
i do not pull away

He presses his right index finger …
to His lips …
prayerfully …
then …
to my face … again

He motions … for a kiss
i consider it
refuse … gently

He looks me in the eye

His right hand …
and gaze
mount the top of my left foot
travels to mid-calf
respectfully …
i know …
He needs … this

He unzips His empty backpack …
once filled with purpose
which now …
a weary bottle of whiskey …
religiously He twists the black cap
offers me the first hit …
i motion no

with full mouth …
mouth full
His lips grasp the opening

i want a picture of His face …
His being … this moment
i pull out my iPhone
He hastily
gathers Himself …
and …

A kiss.
He wanted a kiss.
What is a kiss but an exchange of consciousness.

Today …
I wish …
I had taste his lips

flight of a doppelgänger
a … broken … good … bye©


Now read this

“Your existence is fractionally status quo.”

WHAT HAVE WE BECOME? A mere two hours and thirty-six minutes away, approximately 169 miles driving time stands the imploding metropolis of Detroit, Michigan. I belatedly became acutely aware of the present crisis in Detroit, Michigan... Continue →