“Un tigre ne proclâme pas sa tigritude, il saute sur sa proie” (A tiger doesn’t proclaim its tigerness; it jumps on its prey). –Wole Soyinka

I am Adrienne Zurub a born citizen of the United States.
I am the mother of a biracial (Black & Palestinian) eighteen year old young man, presently in university.

There is no vocabulary to express the joy and overarching fear I live with daily from the moment of my son’s birth into this society of America.
Imagine feeling both guilty and overjoyed at his birth!

My daughter will give birth to my grandson in December 2014. I am the oldest of nine siblings, six whom are brothers (one deceased-after birth).
I have wonderfully intelligent nephews.

I write to you … out of sheer desperation and now, panic induced fear considering the Zeitgeist.

Please, please for the sake of not just my son, but the sons of those whose voices and minds are raw with the fear and stress of simply surviving day-to-day with the unimaginable pain of the forces of racism, blatant inhumanity and stark injustice.

A stunning action is needed to shift the paradigm here in the United States. That shift would bode well globally for ALL people, especially the poor and those of color.

I call for immediate UNITED NATIONS sanctions against US militarized, corporate-sponsored police and United States security forces (CIA, FBI, NSA) forces, who have waged sanctioned genocide on people of color, as well as war on the poor (United States and abroad).

I ask the United Nations Security Council to ask for US zones of UN ‘safe spots’ to protect and guarantee the survival, specifically of Black males in America, who are threatened with extinction.

I ask that the United Nations Security Council intervene to stop the sanctioned (in some instances capitalist infused) genocide, the enslavement of the poor and people of color, through the prison industrial complex, et al, insidious methods of human devaluation (propaganda, economic hunger and conspired negation of true Black history and iconic Black contributions) of people of color in the United States as well as impoverished albeit poor peoples globally.

I ask that guilty US perpetrators as well as US elected officials be held responsible for ‘crimes against humanity’ in these United States of America; especially if and when seeking to intervene and adjudicate aberrant democracy and paternalism in foreign land(s) and peoples.


Now read this

Requiem for ‘The Exceptional Knee-gro'

cover the path from which you came sweep footprints with Bank denounce the “others” boot-strapless-ones who lack your skillz (?) … the ability to swallow doppelganger cum put them … in.their.place not near … your transcendent self sway... Continue →